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Florence Coulet, PharmD, Ph.D.

Florence Coulet, PharmD, Ph.D.

Visiting Scholar

Years Active

Dr. Coulet joined the Frazer Lab in September 2014 as a visiting scholar. Dr. Coulet obtained her PharmD in 1998 from the Pharmacy University of Paris XI and obtained her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 2004 from the Science University of Paris VI. These last years, her practice in the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital in Paris, has been focused on the diagnoses of oncogenetics and angiogenetics diseases. In the Frazer lab, she is involved in two projects : one project is a collaboration with Dr. Barrett on the development of new approaches for early detection of ovarian cancer based on tumor-specific mRNA and protein isoforms ; the second project is a collaboration with Dr. D'Antonio on the identification of driver mutations in breast cancer.